Tomás Darío Zapata

Frequently asked questions about plastic surgery

Tomás Darío Zapata

10 questions to ask your surgeon before having an operation (Doctor Tomás Darío Zapata answers them)


How many times have you practiced this intervention? Looking for a certified surgeon with sufficient experience.

I have over 30 years of experience in medicine and cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

Is your title officially approved and certified by the National Society of Plastic Surgery?

I am a member of Spanish and American Societies of Plastic Surgeons.

Which results are realistic for me?

The treatment with the patient is honest. I study in depth every specific case and the physiognomy before making a decision about the intervention.

How should I prepare myself for surgery? What is the protocol I have to follow: analysis, testing, etc..?

Firstly, I request a preoperative study, an internist doctor performs a general check to the patient just to confirm there is no problem with the intervention.

What type of anesthesia will I need?

It depends on the kind of intervention you need. General anaesthesia only for mammary surgery. We only use local one for facial treatments.

What will it happen during the operation?

The patient is informed in detail (if desired) of the steps I will follow during the surgery. Sometimes, I contact former patients who have gone through the same experience to help them resolve their concerns.

How long will I stay in the hospital?

It depends on the operation, but the patient usually stays one night at hospital.

Will I have any restrictions on my daily activity during the postoperative period?

According to the operation as far as posible, the limitations are minimal.

Will I have scars?

Before operating, you will be informed of the location of scars and I will provide all the information about your treatment.

Is this the operation I need?

I study with the patient all different options and alternatives before choosing a surgical technique.

Do you have any questions?

You can call us at 91 555 92 25 or +34 620 940 540

You can call us at
91 555 92 25 or +34 620 940 540