Tomás Darío Zapata


Liposuction or lipoplasty is one of the most requested cosmetic surgery patients. The technique involves removing excess fat in the required areas (especially, abdomen, thighs, hips, knees, arms) through a cannula.

Tomás Darío Zapata

It is very important to note that this surgery is not a treatment for obesity, but it is intended to correct those regions of the body where accumulated rebel fat persists against diet and exercise.

What does the operation consists on?

Nowadays, liposuction or lipoplasty surgery is one of the most requested by patients. It is very important to note that this surgery is not a treatment for obesity, but it is intended to correct those regions of the body where accumulated rebel fat persists against diet and exercise. It consists on modelling the patient`s body shape, and to a lesser extent, reduce weight.

Liposuction also allows the possibility of repositioning part of the rendered fat, that is, the same fat patient, washed and decanted again that is filtraited again in other body areas to give better volume and shape for aesthetic purposes, such that It becomes a graft. Part of this fat is reabsorbed, but another part remains in the grafted area, giving the possibility to “sculpt” the patient.


Sometimes this technique is complementary to other surgical procedures such as facelifts, tummy tucks, etc.

Is it necessary to stay hospitalized in the clinic?

The income depends on the patient and diagnosis. If liposuction is very large, it is recommended to spend a night in hospital.


It is very important to eat well in a balanced way. Electrolyte loss in this surgery is a remarkable thing. The surgeon will patterns very important movements and exercises for a better postoperative period.

Will i lose weight after a lipoplasty?

The goal of liposuction is to get a great body remodeling and a significant loss of volume in the treated areas. Liposuction is not a treatment for weight loss, although we have observed that patients undergoing liposuction overweight, throughout the post-intervention year and with proper treatment, lose weight easier.

Is this a definitive technique?

Once adipose tissue is removed, you will hardly recover that volume, since adipocytes are not reproduced, therefore, the aesthetic result remains like that. However, liposuction does not prevent the patient to gain weight, what remains are the results of body contouring.

Medical protocols for Aesthetic Surgery

Do you have any questions?

You can call us at 91 555 92 25 or +34 620 940 540

You can call us at
91 555 92 25 or +34 620 940 540