Tomás Darío Zapata

(Nose surgery)

Cosmetic surgery of the nose is one of the biggest challenges for the plastic surgeon. It requires an adequate sense of harmony coupled with a deep knowledge of anatomy and surgical technique. The nose occupies the center of the face, forming a unique aesthetic element intimately involved with the rest of the facial structures and even personal, such as height, race, personality, etc.


Rhinoplasty can help correct birth defects, nasal injuries and some breathing problems.


Rhinoplasty consists on modifying the cartilaginous bony skeleton of the nose so that the skin fits the new mold and the desired shape is achieved.

Because each case is unique and requires a different solution, it is not possible to develop “noses” preset. The ultimate goal is to obtain a harmonious and pleasant set on the patient`s face.


The procedure is performed through incisions inside the nose so that there is no visible external scar, except on rare occasions. In cases where the patient has difficulty breathing, a correction of the nasal septum or intervention in the turbinates, surgery called rhinoseptoplasty, is performed.


Rhinoplasty: Factors that determine cosmetic nose surgery

Is it necesary to stay hospitalized?

Rhinoplasty usually requires an overnight hospital stay.

Pre-operative period indications

  • Preoperative examination adapts to age and ailments of the patient according to the anesthetist and the surgeon. If the condition requires it, we will consult an internist doctor.
  • Avoid aspirin and aspirin-containing medications. Ask your surgeon for further information about any medications you usually take..
  • Avoid smoking and sun exposure.

Postoperative considerations

  • Rest and cold application in the early hours.
  • Follow the instructions of your surgeon for the movements in the earlier days.
  • Ask your surgeon what kind of painkillers you can take and how often.
  • Cures and stitches withdrawal will be made in the doctor office with the surgeon.
  • Check if you can make a treatment of lymphatic drainage of the area to avoid haematoma. They are not always positive, depending on the patient and the evolution of surgery.

Will I watch myself very different? Will my face change much?

The aesthetic change and improvement is evident and also the improvement. Only the first two or three days the patient may look a little strange, but he will get used to his excellent new image quickly. Under no circumstances the image of the face can change much because the cosmetic correction of the nose works on millimetric spaces on its structure.

Can I choose the type of nose I want?

We always take into account the indications given by the patients and the aesthetic tastes that they tell to us. Our goal is to achieve a natural result and we always respond to their requests.

Can I imagine any idea about the change it will be produced?

We know how difficult it is for the patient to make the decision to go through the aesthetic correction of something that affects both the face such as the nose. Therefore, we try to document the most of the final result. We conduct a photo shoot with the study of the factions and a very rough proposal for the new profile is achieved. We believe this is the best way to help our patient to make the right decision.

Rhinoplasty: harmonious nose, anesthesia and postoperative

Do you have any questions?

You can call us at 91 555 92 25 or +34 620 940 540

You can call us at
91 555 92 25 or +34 620 940 540